Thursday, May 26, 2011

Our SENIOR exhibition :D yeey

thats my brother 25 years ago <3

ohh and thats Mommy :D
There is nothing more pleasing than reminisce about the old days! When its time to graduate you find yourself surrounded by all sorts of memories and you have nothing to say but, "lamman" لمَّن

wait for Mr. Process

lovely workshop with Timba Smits

the medicine *Brain; plus and minus (packaging)

 I wanted to make a package for a series of medicines for the young women's brain, actually it came to me while I was talking to my brother and he was pointing out how women's brains are so complicated, to be honest I agreed and it came to me the whole idea which is creating 4 different solution for different problems might not be a big deal but women exaggerate it so basically the medicine (pills) either reduce
or increase a habit.
After that I picked two things related to the left half of the brain (the information side) , and the two things I chose, one to make the young lady smarter and one to make her honest and make the information she says true. and for the right half ( the emotional side) I chose two also, one how make her very creative and feel artistic and the other one makes her less stressed and less angry.

amazing street Photography workshop with Double Gabriele/ Milano


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